Preparing To Study For Your A-Level Chemistry Qualification

Delving far beyond the information taught at GCSE level, A Level Chemistry is a different ball game and a challenging but rewarding subject. With so much problem-solving, memorising and conceptual aptitude necessary, it’s important to learn how to study effectively.

Study Aids 

Although Chemistry as a subject may involve less coursework than other subjects, the workload is still high as it requires much time and brainpower to understand new concepts and apply yourself. There are several study aids which can help.

Perhaps worthy of consideration is taking advantage of Chemistry a level tutors who have a depth of knowledge and considerable experience when it comes to assisting students in making the most of the subject. A good tutor will allow you to work at your own pace and focus on particular areas of concern or difficulty. They can provide focus and a tailored approach to learning.

Revision guides can be very useful and if you are using revision study guides, go for ones with some depth and which are well-laid out, in a similar style to the actual revision papers and contain plenty of opportunities for self-testing. It can be very useful to download past papers as they will give a very good insight into the types of questions asked.

A free and brilliant way to facilitate better study is to find a study partner who can assist you in practising what you have learnt or test you in specific areas and vice versa. You may have strengths and weaknesses in different areas but this can be mutually beneficial. Through partnership new solutions can be found and two heads are always better than one!

Make good use of other study aids available. Seek out relevant books and guides and try out flashcards and other ways to help challenge yourself and help you get a well-rounded overview of the subject.

Study Tips 

There are a number of ways to make the most of Chemistry at a higher level without falling behind. Learning to study can be the difference between achieving good results or not.

Flag up problems as soon as they arise to avoid getting bogged down.

Set aside regular study periods and get into a good routine from the beginning.

Build up your knowledge base early on and continue to go over everything learned.

Don’t cram   there is too much at stake and science is a subject where each learning block is almost built on top of another so the knowledge needs to be there from the outset!

Although considered a difficult subject, Chemistry fascinates challenges and rewards, especially to those with an aptitude for it. To really excel, professional chemistry a level tutors can be of great assistance as can a variety of other study aids. Great chemistry a level tutors are worth their weight in gold and can help you to see the subject in a new way, overcoming its frustrations and leading to top marks and a great deal of satisfaction.


Shirley Jones is an education writer with a particular interest in the field of science who has seen her work published across a range of websites and blogs. Throughout her career she has seen the impact professional chemistry a level tutors can have when combined with personal commitment, passion and hard work!