What’s on Offer?
Consuming the Government’s recommended five a day can be difficult, especially if your children’s taste buds have not quite reached the stage where they’re appreciative of anything healthy. With the amount of products available in supermarkets claiming to be one of your five a day it can feel at times we are overwhelmed with choice when it comes to consuming the essential foods. Here we look at alternative options which are not only as good as the juices you find in the supermarkets but are also a lot cheaper and can be tailored to you and your families needs.
The Requirements
First of all you’re going to need a juicer. With juicers readily available, spend some time doing the research into the best juicers on the market. If you invest in a less expensive juicer you may find you’re replacing it on a regular basis. Consider what you will be juicing more, fruit or vegetables? Both in equal measures? It is generally thought all juicers can juice anything, to some extent this is true, but many have been designed to juice certain produce better than others.
Whatever you choose to juice it is vital you maintain levels of fruit and vegetables. The day you run out of items to juice is the day you will probably look for an unhealthy alternative. Baring this in mind then, ample storage space within fridge freezers is essential for all those juices and smoothies made.
The Family Favorite
When making Orange & Carrot juice, rule of thumb should be one Orange to four Carrots per person. Chop both the Orange and Carrots up into small pieces and press with your juice. This juice will soon become a family favorite and will ensure the family are stocking up on essential vitamin C to boost their immune system.
The Energy Booster
If the struggle of getting out of bed in the morning is proving to hard to bare the energy booster is what’s needed. Containing a dash of Parsley and Spinach, four Carrots and one Apple, this juice is guaranteed to provide the excellent pick me up. Why not add Celery to the juice, this will help maintain healthy hair and skin.
The Morning After
After a night of socialising a quick pick-me-up is essential to carry on with the day ahead. To relieve headaches it’s important to consume calcium and magnesium which can be found in abundance within Cauliflower and Broccoli. Juice one Cauliflower and One Broccoli, to add some taste consider adding an apple. It may not look the prettiest of juices, but rest assured, it will have you back on your feet in no time.
Why Juice?
With hectic lifestyles, it can be difficult trying to get the essential vitamins and minerals into our diets. Not only does juicing produce mean we are saving time on preparing meals but research has proven that by consuming fruit and vegetables in a juice format, enables the body to breakdown the goodness much quicker, allowing the body to reap the rewards much faster. For those looking to lose weight, fight the signs of ageing and generally live a healthy lifestyle, juicing is for you.
Authors Bio
Daniel is a trained nutritionist working with ameteur athletes and those looking for healthy options. Daniel believes that as well as a healthy diet, rigorous exercise regimens should be included.
Stay Healthy With A Juicer