Health Care In The Golden Years: Important Things To Consider

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It’s a common joke for sitcom writers: Americans need to have fairly comprehensive medical insurance, whereas their neighbors to the north in Canada enjoy the benefits of free, universal healthcare, and in fact, an entire episode of The Simpsons involved a scam to import medicine illegally acquired for free in Canada, and then sell it… Continue reading Health Care In The Golden Years: Important Things To Consider

Discovery of Hormone Pill to Counter Growth of Prostate Cancer

The discovery of an effective hormone pill that proved to act as an effective agent against the growth of prostate cancer in some men has now been approved for much wider use. Till last year, the pill was in a mere testing phase but since its success, it will now be used in the mainstream… Continue reading Discovery of Hormone Pill to Counter Growth of Prostate Cancer

Emphasis on Choice of Drugs for Cancer Patients Considering Long Term Implications

There has been a recent emphasis on the long term implications of the choice of drugs for the cancer patients. Research suggests that certain medications might produce a harmful effect in future which is why the cancer patients need to be made aware of the choices they make. Survey showed that it was common for… Continue reading Emphasis on Choice of Drugs for Cancer Patients Considering Long Term Implications