The Dilemma Facing Last Minute Holidaymakers

An article discussing the options of remaining in the UK this summer or booking a holiday abroad.
Just a few weeks ago it would have seemed like quite an easy decision to make. With the majority of the summer proving to be a washout so far, those smug holidaymakers waiting for the right time to get one of those bargain deals taking them to where the sun can be seen to reside, will have simply been biding their time. However, with temperatures across the UK and Ireland being hotter than places like Hawaii and Los Angeles, it is making people think again.

Do you ditch the holiday plans abroad, or press ahead regardless, knowing that wherever you are going is likely to be the same as or cooler than it is back home?
It is a nice kind of problem to have though, as families, couples and individuals with money put aside to hop on a plane and jet off to sunnier climes could simply choose to stay put for the time being and go somewhere later in the year.
Those that do decide to take the hit and go away anyway will need to do their research if sun is what they are looking for. Only a small area within Europe has been able to enjoy this welcome but unexpected heat wave, so travellers may be best to stick to destinations like France, Portugal and Spain, which are also basking in this favourable weather.
Although things can quickly change, it is good to know that getting away from it all doesn’t have to involve a flight and all the things that come with a holiday abroad. But if that idea still excites you, then get that last minute holiday booked.
For visitors to these shores it is a timely boost, especially with the Olympics in full swing this summer. For people arriving in London or Dublin on business, it will certainly be a shock to be picked up and transferred to their hotel or meeting with the sun beating down overhead, amidst clear blue skies.
There are always going to be interesting and tempting deals around to entice you towards some tropical paradise, so holidaymakers will have to think long and hard about what they want to do.
Whether you plan to stick around for a bit longer and soak up the sun, or are determined to go on an overseas holiday anyway, who would have thought there would even have been a choice to make after the way this summer began?
Gemma Laws writes on behalf of Michael Devine chauffeur Services Ltd