Tips for Managing Anal Itching

If you have an itchy bottom (the medical term for it is Pruritus Ani), don’t be embarrassed about it. Actually, this is a pretty common condition. Anal itching might be caused by fungal infections (such as candida), skin conditions (like eczema or psoriasis), worms, irritation from abrasive toilet paper, excessive wiping, washing with harsh soaps, diarrhea, fecal incontinence, irritating underwear, allergies, spicy foods, hemorrhoids, anal fissures. In some rare cases, tumors may also cause anal itch. STDs (Sexually transmitted diseases) are yet another potential cause of anal itching (particularly herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia). And sometimes no underlining cause can be found.

This condition is more common in men than women and is more common in people aged over 40. It can be constant or periodical, mild or intense, short-lived or persistent. Your doctor should examine you and determine the underlining cause. This will help relieve the problem.

It is important to keep the area dry and clean. After each bowel movement, wash the area with water and dry it carefully – without rubbing or scrubbing too hard because this can sharpen the irritation. Avoid unscented toilet paper, perfumed soaps, detergents, and washes. Also, take care to rinse away all residues.

Another important thing is to identify the foods that can trigger these symptoms. Usually, some of those are chocolate, citrus fruits, coffee, alcohol, tomatoes, spicy foods, nuts, and dairy foods. There is no need to avoid all of these foods unless they affect you adversely. Even then you can just consume smaller portions. Adjust your diet by adding more fiber – eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and grains.

Pay attention to what underwear you wear. Choose only clothes from natural fabrics like cotton, wool, or linen. Also, it is good to wear loose clothing which will prevent you from sweating. Shower everyday especially in the summer. The toilet paper you use to wipe yourself has to be white and unscented. Avoid scratching while washing and drying the area. Keep clean and short fingernails.

If all of those measures are not enough, you can try some anus itching home remedies. If after a few weeks you keep experience discomfort, your doctor may prescribe steroid creams, antihistamine tablets, or ointments to relieve itch.

It is substantial to recognize the problem early and to take all of the necessary actions. If you scratch the anus too often and hard the skin can become damaged, infected and peeled. This may lead to other problems.

Anal itching can lead to serious discomfort and embarrassment. The information shared above will help you take care of this problem. Just remember that the most important thing is to keep the area around the rectum clean and dry. Also, maintaining regular bowel movements will decrease the risk of constipation. To do that, add fiber to your diet. If itching continues after applying those measures, visit your doctor.