Cleaning Metal And Wood Surfaces Using Eco-Friendly Substances

Because of the odd changes in weather conditions, the rising tides, and the abnormally dry spells in certain parts of the world, many are very concerned about how human actions affect the environment. A lot of individuals are becoming more aware of how their actions and their choices contribute to environmental degradation. This is why… Continue reading Cleaning Metal And Wood Surfaces Using Eco-Friendly Substances

Categorized as Green

Are Manatees Dangerous To Humans?

Manatees are often referred to as sea cows. They are large slow moving mammals that are found in warm tropical waters through out the world. Manatee food is general plant matter but they sometime are seen eating fish and clams. Species of Manatees There are two different species of manatees. The West Indian Manatee which… Continue reading Are Manatees Dangerous To Humans?

Categorized as Green

Stay Green In Every Season

So, you want to be green and save the environment, but it’s the middle of winter, and it’s freezing. You have to turn on the heat, or you may lose a limb to frostbite. Or it’s mid-July, and you’re so hot you may melt away into a puddle. The environment may hate you, but the… Continue reading Stay Green In Every Season

Categorized as Green

What Does It Mean To Practice Sustainability?

Practicing sustainability generally refers to taking measures so as to prevent causing further damage to the environment and ecological systems. This involves engaging in activities that will not cause more than minimal long-term negative effects on the environment. From a practical standpoint, below outlines some factors involved in the adoption of sustainability practices. Social Responsibility… Continue reading What Does It Mean To Practice Sustainability?

Categorized as Green