Summer Cellulite Reduction: Laser Liposuction vs. Tumescent

Laser Liposuction vs. Tumescent Liposuction is a procedure that removes fat from different areas of the body like the arms, thighs and neck. A number of factors restrict the fat amounts that can be extracted in one operation. There are negative effects that come with extracting too much fat like skin cavities or lumpiness. So… Continue reading Summer Cellulite Reduction: Laser Liposuction vs. Tumescent

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Cooking Essentials For Camping

Cooking alfresco or living outdoors at a festival or far away under the shadow of a mountain requires some equipment for cooking. So, what do you need to really tackle your outdoor adventure and keep your stomach full? MSR Liquid Fuel Stoves Looking for a cooking system that gets the job done quickly and efficiently… Continue reading Cooking Essentials For Camping

Categorized as Lifestyle

Knitting Essentials

As with any pastime, knitting requires you to have a number of essentials to make sure you get the most from your new found love. Knitting is one of those pastimes that are in vogue at the moment and there are a number of essentials aside from wool that you need to use to get… Continue reading Knitting Essentials

Categorized as Lifestyle

Personal Style: Dare To Be You

Finding your personal style can be a challenge for many. Some people love wearing bright colours but can’t pull it off so they end up being dowdy, and stand out even more. Others have a nose for expensive items that they cannot afford and they won’t compromise and take anything remotely similar, so they too… Continue reading Personal Style: Dare To Be You

Categorized as Lifestyle